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Chart Data

Get Time Price Data

Request Details :

Parameter Name Possiblevalue Description
jData* Should send json object with fields in below list
jKey* Key Obtained on login success.
Json Fields Possiblevalue Description
uid* Logged in User Id
exch* Exchange
st Start time (seconds since 1 jan 1970) in timestamp format you can use to conver date time into timestamp
et End Time (seconds since 1 jan 1970) in timestamp format you can use to conver date time into timestamp
intrv “1”, ”3”, “5”, “10”,“15”, “30”, “60”, “120”, “240” Candle size in minutes (optional field, if not given assume to be “1”)

Request and Response Structure

"time":"02-06-2020 15:46:23",
"time":"02-06-2020 15:45:23",
"time":"02-06-2020 15:44:23",
"time":"02-06-2020 15:43:23",
"time":"02-06-2020 15:42:23",
"emsg":"Session Expired : Invalid Session Key"

Response Details :

Response data will be in json format in case for failure.

Json Fields Possiblevalue Description
stat Not_Ok TPData failure indication.
emsg This will be present only in case of errors.

Response data will be in json format in case for success.

Json Fields Possiblevalue Description
stat Ok TPData success indication.
time DD/MM/CCYY hh:mm:ss
into Interval open
inth Interval high
intl Interval low
intc Interval close
intvwap Interval vwap
intv Interval volume
v volume
intoi Interval io change
oi oi

EOD Chart Data

Request Details :

Parameter Name Possiblevalue Description
jData* Should send json object with fields in below list
jKey Key Obtained on login success.
Json Fields Possiblevalue Description
sym* Symbol name
from* From date in timestamp format you can use to conver date time into timestamp
to* To date in timestamp format you can use to conver date time into timestamp
"emsg":"Session Expired : Invalid Session Key"

Request Details :

Response data will be in json format with below fields.

Json Fields Possiblevalue Description
time DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss
into Interval open
inth Interval high
intl Interval low
intc Interval close
ssboe Date,Seconds in 1970 format
intv Interval volume